Resources for School Personnel and Families

Students, parents and educators of all ages are facing rising levels of depression and anxiety during the pandemic. If you or someone you know is worried about an uncertain school year, virtual or in-person, we can help. The following resources were developed for students, parents, educators and school administrators, to assist those in need of mental health and wellness support during this time.

UHS PsychHub Children and Adolescent Playlist

Worry Wise Kids mission is to improve the quality of life for anxious children and their families by providing parents, educators and mental health professionals with comprehensive, user-friendly information on the full range of anxiety disorders: how to identify symptoms, find effective treatments and prevent anxiety from taking hold in a child’s life.

Downloadable Resources

Services Available

  • Adolescent Inpatient Unit
  • Intensive Outpatient Services (Attended by a Child Board Certified Psychiatrist)
    • Mindfulness
    • Distress Tolerance
    • Emotional Regulation
    • Interpersonal Relations

We Are Here to Help!